theBallroom 2343天前
#theBallroom大片观赏室# #tbt# Vogue UK, December 1998 Photographer: #Tim Walker# Stylist: #Kate Phelan# Models: #Kirsty Hume# , Trish Goff #theBallroom#
theBallroom 2343天前
#theBallroom大片观赏室# #tbt# Vogue UK, December 1998 Photographer: #Tim Walker# Stylist: #Kate Phelan# Models: #Kirsty Hume# , Trish Goff #theBallroom#
时尚无国界-FWB 103天前 衡阳
【#奢侈品百货Harvey Nichols任命首位创意总监# 】 时尚无国界获悉,英国奢侈品百货公司Harvey Nichols@HarveyNicholsHK 日前宣布任命英国造型师兼编辑Kate Phelan担任首位创意总监,任命立即生效。上任后,她将负责该公司的品牌活动与视觉形象,帮助品牌在竞争激烈的高端零售市场中获得竞争力。据悉 ...全文
BestBeforeBorn 1556天前
#British Vogue# August 2020 The Ties That Bind #Jack Davison# - Photographer #Kate Phelan# - Fashion Editor/Stylist #Agnes Lloyd-Platt# - Self
济宁青年建筑空间拍摄 3024天前
济宁·山东经济学院MBA济宁分校,#Damaris Goddrie# By #Kate Phelan# For Adidas Originals for Topshop Lookbook.健康美丽的Damaris,动人的笑容。 济宁·山东经济学院MBA济宁分校
留意服饰 3091天前
#British Vogue# | October 2016 | Styling #Kate Phelan# | Photography #Lachlan Bailey# | Hair Stylist #Orlando Pita# | Make Up Artist #Petros Petrohilos# | Wearing #VBxEsteeLauder# limited edition make up | On stands 8th September | ...全文
VictoriaBeckham 3091天前
#British Vogue# | October 2016 | Styling #Kate Phelan# | Photography #Lachlan Bailey# | Hair Stylist #Orlando Pita# | Make Up Artist #Petros Petrohilos# | Wearing #VBxEsteeLauder# limited edition make up | On stands 8th September |
The Shooting Party | Vogue UK December 2014 | PH: #Tim Walker# | Stylists:#Kate Phelan# & #Kate Moss#