吃你不吃肉 400天前
【221013】【BT21】 Great music, CHIMMY!🎶 We are always here to listen to you💖✨ #CHIMMY# . #harmonica# . #WeLoveYou# . #BT21#
吃你不吃肉 400天前
【221013】【BT21】 Great music, CHIMMY!🎶 We are always here to listen to you💖✨ #CHIMMY# . #harmonica# . #WeLoveYou# . #BT21#
即兴里来 620天前 北京
跨过三年疫情后第一次回到BNBJ的现场。看过爵士演出里屈指可数的香港乐队及口琴专场。如预期般动听的旋律,良好的技术素养,舞台魅力,不失商业性且感受得到爱乐的纯粹。 开场“My Favourite Things”,下半场的传统曲临时改为刚去世的Wayne Shorter “Footprints”(替代本来的“A Night in Tunisia ...全文
WNS_WeNeedBTS 2199天前
防弹少年团#遇见bts遇见更好的自己# 【181109 推特】BT21更新: #Harmonica of mine 😔 Whistle of yours 😚 Perfect harmony Blow all worries away~😌🎵 # Fruit_of_CHIMMYs_efforts #CHIMMY # SHOOKY #BT21
BYS防弹keys站 2199天前
#防弹少年团_love_yourself# 【181109推特相关】 @BT21_ #Harmonica# of mine 😔 Whistle of yours 😚 Perfect harmony Blow all worries away~😌🎵 #Fruit_of_CHIMMYs_efforts# #CHIMMY # #SHOOKY# #BT21 #
JayFung馮允謙 2428天前
I recently watched the Disney-Pixar 3D animated film “Coco” and I fell in love with it! It was fun but touching all at the same time. Spoiler Alert: I nearly cried at the end, when Miguel sang “Remember Me” to Mama Coco. 😢 Anyways, I decided to cover this beautiful song! H ...全文
爱豆百宝箱 86天前 北京
Wishing everyone can have a lasting and enduring friendship! #harmonica# _performance #everlasting# _friendship #healing# _series## #one# 爱豆百宝箱的🎞︎微博视频
听音笔记 94天前 北京
Lately, I've been revisiting the anime series "Fire Shadow Warrior", and teaching my students this incredibly energetic track, "Blue Bird"! #dailyharmonica# #bluesharmonicastudent# #harmonica# #bluebird# #fireshadowwarrior# #revisitinganime# #teachingmusic# #get# ...全文
Abal0uv 738天前 湖州
【181109】 #Harmonica of mine 😔 Whistle of yours 😚 Perfect harmony Blow all worries away~😌🎵 # Fruit_of_CHIMMYs_efforts #CHIMMY # SHOOKY #BT21
我还是那个magicbean 1343天前
叶子02378668 1371天前
#harmonica# 《唐人街探案》3是真的满满的柯南风结尾又有哈利波特的感觉。我好爱德华啊嘤嘤嘤。
Stayinyourlane 1674天前
A groovy cover on Tommisch creation Lost In Paris with a voice, two guitar and a harmonica! Vocal: Cy Leo Harmonica: Cy Leo Electric Guitar: Nictsui / Teddyfanguitar Acoustic Guitar: Teddy Fan Mixing: Nic Tsui Videography: Isaacwoo Editor & Colorist: Vincent 張振宇 #jazz# #jam# ...全文
荣荣Susieliang88 1732天前
今天吃早餐的时候跟母亲大人聊起关于乐器的事情她说:上幼儿园时在少年宫你学过手风琴还参加表演!回忆了一下,好像是有这回事!后来在小学学过口琴#harmonica# 电子琴#electronicpiano# ,但由于初中学习越来越忙就没弹了💗 #accordion# #musicalinstrument# #手风琴# #乐器#
李慢三 1738天前
第一个纹身 当然要纹最喜爱的东西啦@馨刺青SH #harmonica# 上海·北科大厦