IanSomerhalder_Official 1869天前
Let's do this!!! I’m so excited to be celebrating Giving Tuesday and the Ian Somerhalder Foundation’s 9th birthday with YOU. #ISF# #GivingTuesday# #HappyBirthdayISF# IanSomerhalder_Official的🎞︎微博视频
IanSomerhalder_Official 1869天前
Let's do this!!! I’m so excited to be celebrating Giving Tuesday and the Ian Somerhalder Foundation’s 9th birthday with YOU. #ISF# #GivingTuesday# #HappyBirthdayISF# IanSomerhalder_Official的🎞︎微博视频
Petra_Kvitova科维托娃 1862天前
Giving back is one of things I love most about my job as a tennis player! I can't wait to dedicate more time to it in the future. Giving kids the chance to learn and grow through sport is a huge passion for me. What about you? #GivingTuesday # WTA4Love @wta @wilsontennis
SimonaHalep西蒙娜哈勒普 1862天前
I am committed to giving back through my work for the Simona Halep Foundation and other charities. We already fund a girls’ ice hockey team, financed the organization of several gymnastics events and of course we help budding tennis stars, but I have much bigger plans for the fu ...全文
维基奇资讯中心 1862天前
【推特】191204 更新图片 It’s so great to be able to give back when I’m at various tournaments around the world!! #givingtuesday# @WTA
美国驻华大使馆 2233天前
昨天是#GivingTuesday# 慈善星期二。它是在感恩节以及非常知名的“黑色星期五”和“网络星期一”购物活动之后的那个星期二庆祝。#GivingTuesday# 慈善星期二开启慈善季,这时候很多人关注他们的假期和年终捐赠。 据新公布的一份报告,2017年美国社会为慈善事业和非营利公益活动捐款4,100亿美元,创有史 ...全文
paulaabdul 3688天前
BTW.. #GivingTuesday# doesn't have to end on Dec 2nd. It's a beautiful beginning to a life full of opportunities to contribute! xoP
bobo木木 770天前
今天是#givingtuesday# ,公司有双倍match donation为市里的art museum,村里的教育基金,和公司员工自创的儿童特殊疾病研究基金捐了款,再加上公司的双倍捐赠,在年底前开心地完成一个心愿清单😃 #新年愿望#
熊貓紫君 1135天前
今天”星期二捐贈日”,以@易柏辰_Ian 之名捐款支持無國界醫生 #givingtuesday#
The_NBPA 1856天前
关于感恩。 🤝 __ 当我们庆祝#GivingTuesday# 时,NBPA Foundatio扮演了参与者的角色,我们继续支持倡议并在世界范围内创造有意义的变化。
IanSomerhalder_Official 1862天前
Donating begins in just a few minutes! Go NOW! Please donate and connect with me all day to help me meet my fundraising goal for ISF and make the world a better place. Thank you!!! #givingtuesday# #isf# IanSomerhalder_Official的🎞︎微博视频
LadyGagaThings 1863天前
【12.3】Lady Gaga更新社交动态,发起在#GivingTuesday# 为BTWfoundation捐赠的活动,捐赠所得将用于更多项目的研究和活动,以促成一个更善良、更勇敢的世界,让全球青少年的情感都变得有意义 #LadyGaga人美心善# #LadyGaga#