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#Georgia O'Keeffe#

  • C

    CIRCULATION_Official 1052天前 

    CIRCULATION 2021-2022 冬春系列 「 Iris 」 Lookbook - Part 1 在一间灰调暗室中,抽象神秘的彩色漩涡散发着虚与实的柔软气息,深邃的蓝紫色瞳孔此刻正透露出浅粉色的光亮。 - Inspired by : 《Black Iris》(1926)- Georgia O'Keeffe 一张经常被指为象征*器官形象的画作,但在O'Keeffe眼里它只 ...全文

  • F

    FINEWE 2619天前 

    #*Art*# #*Style*# 〰️〰️〰️〰️ #Georgia O'Keeffe# ▪️▪️▪️▪️ *Georgia O’Keeffe (November 15 1887 – March 6 1986) was an American artist. She was born near Sun Prairie, Wisconsin, U.S.O'Keeffe studied art at the Art Institute of Chicago, Art Students' League, Universit ...全文

  • i

    i良仓 2613天前 

    Post by #Georgia O'keeffe#

  • l

    lo-hi 2759天前 

    #Georgia O'Keeffe#

  • S

    Summer_郡夏 1366天前 

    #Georgia O'Keeffe#

  • A

    Am国新 1796天前 

    #Georgia O'Keeffe# 的作品和她的出生地有很大关系,威斯康辛州的一个小镇,在父母宽松的生活环境里过着半野生的童年时光。 广袤空旷的乡野之地给了她画画的原始灵感,也让自由的灵魂拥有了纯粹自我的生长方向。 在她的风景画里,总是能看到起伏平缓的线条和渐变的色彩。花生植愈 ...全文

  • R

    RED·MOON 1898天前 

    Georgia O'Keeffe / Eagle Claw and Bean Necklace,1934 · "When you take a flower in your hand and really look at it, it's your world for the moment. I want to give that world to someone else." · #RED·MOON# #艺术# #art# 艺术art#Georgia O'Keeffe# #欧姬芙#

  • 小島的清晨 2063天前 

    #每日灵感# 生命绽放如繁花,生生不息。 #Georgia O'keeffe#

  • C

    CGTNculture 2423天前 

    【女性艺术家的闪耀时刻:社交媒体宣传推动艺术市场性别平等】Picasso, Da Vinci and Rembrandt. It’s pretty easy to name great male artists through history. But can you name any female artists? Societal expectations and misrepresentation have plagued female artists in the past and st ...全文

  • 美国芝加哥艺术学院 2598天前 

    #乔治亚·欧姬芙# #GEORGIA O'KEEFFE# #纯艺术 她的画,一改白宫曾经只收藏男性画家作品的传统,一生只穿黑白,钟爱流离于沙漠,喜好收集动物骸骨,神秘如她,与生俱来的魅力,使她永远被人们所铭记。
