海盐嘉南 3天前 嘉兴
#Gathering blue# The giver系列的第二本 “The blue was gathered in her hand, and she could feel it quiver, as if it had been given breath and was beginning to live.”
海盐嘉南 3天前 嘉兴
#Gathering blue# The giver系列的第二本 “The blue was gathered in her hand, and she could feel it quiver, as if it had been given breath and was beginning to live.”
于婷Tinna 2393天前
看完了 也下手買了 記得好像在某天滑到《記憶傳承人》的廣告 馬上被它的簡介吸引 且在導讀時發現它還有其他三本系列 立馬找來看 作者利用淺白的描述探討許多人性的矛盾 四著作裡最喜歡《森林送信人》 看著主角麥迪從《歷史刺繡人》裡調皮的小孩成長到會為他人著想、願意付出自己的少年 那種感覺讓人 ...全文