新生命守护者林锦成 220天前 厦门
晟创娱乐荣誉赞助“杜爱花从艺61周年艺术专场《纸影人》”主演介绍 - 吴欣洁(2002年) 孩提时尽显天赋,得奶奶杜爱花真传继承衣钵,学习主板锣鼓,七岁伴唱潮曲《见故人欢喜交并》,八岁首次登台演出潮剧《爱歌》之梦龙。 后得姑姑吴慧玲用心培养成为潮剧演员,现为玉梨潮州木偶剧团司鼓,常随潮艺馆出 ...全文
新生命守护者林锦成 220天前 厦门
晟创娱乐荣誉赞助“杜爱花从艺61周年艺术专场《纸影人》”主演介绍 - 吴欣洁(2002年) 孩提时尽显天赋,得奶奶杜爱花真传继承衣钵,学习主板锣鼓,七岁伴唱潮曲《见故人欢喜交并》,八岁首次登台演出潮剧《爱歌》之梦龙。 后得姑姑吴慧玲用心培养成为潮剧演员,现为玉梨潮州木偶剧团司鼓,常随潮艺馆出 ...全文
娱乐星期九 132天前 北京
#MusicLive# #WeAreFolk2022# #HealWithMusic# #FolkMusic# #Inescapable# 无论何时何地,吉他的旋律响起,就能勾起那段青葱岁月,这正是民谣应有的模样…… #吉他# 娱乐星期九的🎞︎微博视频
环球美女汇 140天前 北京
Wishing you to still have dreams when you reach your thirties," Chen Hongyu's tour has arrived in Changsha! #ChenHongyu# #IdealThirty# #GrabConcertTicketsOnTikTok# #ChenHongyuChangshaTour# #FolkMusic# #til# 环球美女汇的🎞︎微博视频
爱豆百宝箱 141天前 北京
#allDifferent# #MaDi# #FolkMusic# #LiveHouse# #MayoYe# #all# 爱豆百宝箱的🎞︎微博视频
说唱殿堂 143天前 北京
Revisiting the sounds of the past, emotions well up within us, cherishing those wonderful days of old~ #FolkMusic# #BardsOfYore# #MachineSpiritChoppingKnives# , #memories# #tearjerker# #ds# 说唱殿堂的🎞︎微博视频
不可错过的舞台 148天前 北京
True advancement often stems from pain and struggle. #FolkMusic# #XieChunhua# #WhiteSnakeOrigins# #ins# 不可错过的舞台的🎞︎微博视频
好听到发疯 151天前 北京
Stage graced by dignified musicians, off-stage they're joyous jesters; music brings bliss! #CreativeSpark# #FangJinLong# #NationalWindPartner# #FolkMusic# #Lute# #joy# 好听到发疯的🎞︎微博视频
娱乐圈的记录员 152天前 北京
Wishing you to still have dreams when you reach your thirties," Chen Hongyu's tour has arrived in Changsha! #ChenHongyu# #IdealAtThirty# #GrabConcertTicketsOnTikTok# #ChenHongyuChangshaTour# #FolkMusic# #til# 娱乐圈的记录员的🎞︎微博视频
泡菜爱豆汇 156天前 北京
Let me rediscover my heart's past thrills, grant me the serenity of dawn and dusk. #borrowme# #XieChunhua# #FolkMusic# #HeartfeltMelodies# #SerenityOfTime# #art# 泡菜爱豆汇的🎞︎微博视频
听音笔记 158天前 北京
Let's spread the beauty of Bai ethnicity tunes across the globe, from US campuses to city streets. #BaiEthnicity# #FolkMusic# #BaiTunes# #ut# 听音笔记的🎞︎微博视频
元气爱豆研究所 160天前 北京
On the 520, who would you dedicate your words to? The greatest bliss is "I have one more sister than my own sister." May good fortune follow my sister in all her future endeavors. #folkMusic# #healingMelodies# #520# 元气爱豆研究所的🎞︎微博视频