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    KenDavis 820天前 

    Humpback Whales Glacier Bay National Park, Alaska provides a sheltered habitat for humpback whales. Here, three humpback whales feed on the bountiful waters of the park. Protect nature and wildlife. HD📷 NOAA #MarineLife# #Whales# #Habitat# #Ecosystems#

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    KenDavis 825天前 

    Christmas tree worms make their home on a brain coral. Tropical corals reefs are complex ecosystems, but rapidly being lost to bleaching and disease, linked to increasing water temperatures. St. Petersburg, FL Coastal and Marine Science Center Protect nature! HD📷 USGS ...全文

  • 十九杯奶茶lin 2974天前 

    #ecosystems # environment Environmental site visit. @ 生態濕地 🔗

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    NatGeoExplorers 3052天前 

    In 2014, the #PristineSeas team investigated the underwater ecosystems of Palau: # BoldSteps #IUCNCongress 🔗
