Conception_ChinaClub 1791天前
Lies keep on calling for a big commotion Devolutionary mad machine You know you need To reset your rushed equation #Conception乐队# #State of Deception# Conception乐队
Conception_ChinaClub 1791天前
Lies keep on calling for a big commotion Devolutionary mad machine You know you need To reset your rushed equation #Conception乐队# #State of Deception# Conception乐队
Conception_ChinaClub 1794天前
Two lives beside each other Waltzing in disharmony True love is hard to find Whatever mourned He shunned her cries And looked away To heal his heart To find that love was far behind 分享Conception/Elize Ryd的单曲《The Mansion》🔗 #Conception乐队# ...全文
Conception_ChinaClub 1795天前
“这张专辑也反映了黑暗中对更好时日、平等与宽容的希望。有时情况看起来令人沮丧,但也一定有乐观的元素。” #Conception乐队# #State of Deception#
Conception_ChinaClub 1799天前
“一切都似乎在变得两极分化和孤立。政客们走极端;气候变化令人担忧;个人承受巨大压力。与此同时,很多积极的事情在发生,却没有得到同等的关注,不幸的是,消极比积极更容易贩卖。这就是这张专辑整体反映的内容。”Conception乐队吉他手Tore在谈到即将发布的新专辑时说道。 来源: ...全文
Conception_ChinaClub 1803天前
Amaranthe主唱Elize Ryd将在Conception新专曲目The Mansion中客串,再次与Roy Khan合作。 【金属乐界】AMARANTHE - Do Or Die(Angela Gossow) #Amaranthe# #Conception乐队# #Roy Khan# #Kamelot# #瑞典金属乐#
Conception_ChinaClub 1823天前
【官方资讯 Official News】 Conception乐队于3月6日发布新专辑先行曲目Waywardly Broken。 歌词: Pride dying Please don't walk away Let not my heart be lead astray Always so gritty Waywardly broken From all the foul seeds I've sown Yet born with this urge to remain However fearful an ...全文
Conception_ChinaClub 1842天前
【官方资讯 Official News】 挪威前卫金属乐队Conception新单曲By the Blues和全长专辑State of Deception将分别于3月20日、4月3日发布。 亚马逊购买及试听链接:State of Deception [Explicit] 🔗 曲目列表: 1 in:Deception 2 Of Raven and Pigs 3 Waywardly Broken 4 No Rewin ...全文
Conception_ChinaClub 1912天前
贝斯手英哥的黑金属/死亡金属乐队叫Crest of Darkness,这么优秀的挪威黑金,不来了解一下吗?乐队近日的采访: 🔗,内容包括乐名来源等。 #Conception乐队# #Crest of Darkness# #The God of Flesh#
Conception_ChinaClub 1921天前
某个老头最近很活跃嘛 #Roy Khan# #Conception乐队# #FireWind# #Kamelot#
Conception_ChinaClub 1928天前
好基友会面,猜测有合作? Queensrÿche等乐队鼓手Casey Grillo与Conception主唱Roy Khan曾在Kamelot乐队共事多年。 #Conception乐队# #Roy Khan# #Kamelot#