唱片收藏家 178天前 北京
What an incredible synergy is this! #entertainmentPraise# #audience# #astounding# #amazingPerformance# #violinPlay# #lay# 混韩圈的小公举的🎞︎微博视频
唱片收藏家 178天前 北京
What an incredible synergy is this! #entertainmentPraise# #audience# #astounding# #amazingPerformance# #violinPlay# #lay# 混韩圈的小公举的🎞︎微博视频
Catching_Fire 2310天前
The Romanoffs is not, what's the word, oh, woke ~ #It's astounding how backwards and retro its world view is#
UriyamaMirai 2676天前
#Astounding# These women are rising stars from IT Services in Cyberjaya(赛城,被马来西亚政府规划为具有高科技基础设施的智慧型城市、全球信息和通信技术中心), Malaysia. P.S. Frank Appel attended the 20th anniversary of the establishment of ITSC.
热浪青岛 4257天前
《Raffaello D'Andrea_ The astounding athletic powe》 逆天的飞行神器,# TEDGlobal#上的最新演示 这架四旋翼飞机能头顶酒杯飞,边飞边平衡长棍,和你玩弹球,组队接抛... 🔗 (分享自 @土豆成长频道)@mark