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#10 - Thom Yorke #

  • 4

    40Acres 1619天前 

    Rolling Stone named the Best Dancing Musicians of all time: #10 - Thom Yorke # 9 - Nicole Scherzinger #8 - Janet Jackson # 7 - Madonna #6 - Prince # 5 - Lady Gaga #4 - Mick Jagger # 3 - James Brown #2 - Britney Spears # 1 - Michael Jackson

  • T

    TODS 17天前 北京

    #TODS2024秋冬# 系列广告大片纷启摩登之旅,Yorky与T Bar元素装点Gommino豆豆鞋,勾勒鲜明轮廓。Di Bag Folio包袋延续经典马鞍缝线,扩写优雅格调,点睛整体造型。创意总监:Matteo Tamburini摄影师:Zoë Ghertner创意指导:Kevin Tekinel、Charles Levai造型:Brian Molloy模特:Mica Argañaraz ...全文
