RobertDowneyJr 1417天前
Dance. Move. Make a Difference. Get involved, will ya..? 跳起来,动起来,让我们为了赖以生存的地球每天改变一点点。你要来加入我吗?#足迹联盟# RobertDowneyJr的🎞︎微博视频
霁与良sher 1294天前
RobertDowneyJr 1468天前
Great things coming in ‘21, thanx for joining the benevolent circus.. Have a Blessed holiday season, RDJ and the FPC family .. .. .. 🎨: #thedoodlinkid# #footprintcoalition# 更多精彩将在年到来,感谢大家关注我们这个温暖有爱的集体... 祝大家节日快乐,来自RDJ 和#足迹联盟# 大家 ...全文
RobertDowneyJr 1512天前
“Investors, Donors, and Storytellers,⠀ join us to restore the planet.”⠀ - Robert Downey Jr. #footprintcoalition# link: 🔗 “投资方,捐赠者,和讲故事的讲述者,加入我们的行列,拯救地球。” - 小罗伯特唐尼 #足迹联盟#