幫港出聲 810天前
日落帝国悲歌唱极都有,今次小编就想送首新歌畀大家,就係「做隻猫,做隻狗,不做英人~」做英人究竟有几差,生活有几苦呢? #帮港出声# #通胀# #能源成本# #英国食品# #宠物食品# #不做英人# #日落帝国# 幫港出聲的🎞︎微博视频
甜蜜的朱莉Jules 149天前
I’m not a big British food type person despite being born and raised here, mainly because it’s incredibly stodgy and filling and I hate the feeling of being bloated 🤰 but this is the one guilty thing I will always keep near and dear to my heart the crisp filled sandwich or c ...全文
英国呆文零食屋 2679天前