首都百万师生微党课 4114天前
#经典英文语录# Life and time are the two best teachers. Life teaches us to make good use of time and time teaches us the value of life. 生活和时间是两位最好的导师,生活教会我们如何利用好时间,时间教会我们生活的价值和珍贵.
首都百万师生微党课 4114天前
#经典英文语录# Life and time are the two best teachers. Life teaches us to make good use of time and time teaches us the value of life. 生活和时间是两位最好的导师,生活教会我们如何利用好时间,时间教会我们生活的价值和珍贵.
一路向南的林夏 1767天前
英文: Greed, for lack of a better word, is good. 中文: 没有比“贪婪”更好的词语了。华尔街#经典句子# #每日一句经典英文句子# #經典英文語錄# ——《华尔街》(1987)
我捂系肥蚊 2034天前
甜炸的鸡肠语录 Sometimes empty page presents more possibilities. 有时候,白纸一张更能呈现无尽可能。 正能量语录#经典英文语录#
特校蒲公英助教计划_love 3442天前
#经典英文语录# Even though you may feel afraid, hurt, or lost, never give up hope. Your future, happy self is there waiting for your fearful present self.即使你很害怕,很痛苦,很迷茫,也不要放弃希望,未来的你幸福的你,在等着现在的你恐惧的你。
杰克船长北京 3583天前
#经典英文语录# Community driven. This is not about 'us' offering 'you' something, it is about everyone coming together to work and collaborate towards a common goal.