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  • 知更鸟英语 674天前 天津

    Feb.23 早读打卡 #知更鸟英语早读# Make each day count, make learning a habit Please don't let me go I just want stay Can't you feel my heartbeats Giving me away 请别让我走 我只想留下 难道你没有感受到我的心跳 说出了我的心声

  • 行走de麦粒 771天前 

    day625 #知更鸟英语早读# There's no such thing as safe love. Real love means giving someone the power to hurt you. 11.18 保险的爱也是不存在的 |「每日早读」

  • 知更鸟英语 715天前 天津

    Jan.13 早读打卡 #知更鸟英语早读# Make each day count, make learning a habit I think true unconditional love is like, do you like someone so much even you would even like them, if they didn't love you anymore. That is unconditional love. 我认为无条件的爱就是,你爱一个人爱到甚至即 ...全文

  • 知更鸟英语 688天前 天津

    Feb.9 早读打卡 #知更鸟英语早读# Make each day count, make learning a habit Number one is curiosity. It's the most powerful thing you own. Imagination is a force that can actually manifest a reality. And the respect of your team is more important than all the laurels in the world. ...全文

  • 知更鸟英语学习 687天前 沈阳

    2.10日早读打卡 #知更鸟英语早读# 我们陪你日积月累,别让坚持功亏一篑。 You never know what hand you're going to get dealt next. You learn to take life as it comes at you. 2.10 天意难测、世事难料、随遇而安、珍惜生活 |「每日早读」 知更鸟英语学习的🎞︎微博视频

  • 知更鸟英语 681天前 天津

    Feb.16 早读打卡 #知更鸟英语早读# Make each day count, make learning a habit Doing nothing often leads to the very best of something. 什么都不做往往带来最好的结果。

  • 知更鸟英语 682天前 天津

    Feb.15 早读打卡 #知更鸟英语早读# Make each day count, make learning a habit We get to decide what our story is. Nobody else gets to tell you what your story is. 我们的故事由我们自己决定,轮不到别人指手画脚。

  • 槐序深巷005 23天前 沧州

    Day 327 But these things are everywhere. They're on sites big, they're on sites small. This is a global experience. #知更鸟英语早读#

  • 行走de沙沙 268天前 

    Fighting within a family can be tough, but love can help resolve it.#知更鸟英语早读#

  • 风吹麦哩个浪i 426天前 永州

    Day576 Chaos isn't a pit. Chaos is a ladder.#知更鸟英语早读#

  • 来碗蛋炒粉- 613天前 湘西

    玛德英语早读我恨,七点半就要到教室我怨气比👻还重,到底是谁创立的早八啊我请问,煮的鸡蛋还忘拿了,求一个不要上课的早晨[比心]😋#知更鸟英语早读# #操蛋人生#

  • 陶之夭夭0113 626天前 上饶

    Day434~Apr.12早读打卡 #知更鸟英语早读# Make each day count, make learning a habit Nothing someone says before the word ‘but’ really counts. “但是”之前的话,都是毫无意义的

  • 知更鸟英语 635天前 天津

    Apr.31早读打卡 #知更鸟英语早读# Make each day count, make learning a habit Nothing someone says before the word ‘but’ really counts. “但是”之前的话,都是毫无意义的

  • 穿

    穿着拖鞋追风的Kiki 656天前 济南

    day726#知更鸟英语早读# It was silly of us to look for qualities in each other that we never had.

  • L

    Leo张龙润 674天前 上海

    早读英语#知更鸟英语早读# Leo张龙润的🎞︎微博视频

  • 行走de沙沙 674天前 

    day689#知更鸟英语早读# Please don't let me go I just want stay Can't you feel my heartbeats Giving me away
