张雪迎 🗝#张雪迎海美# 🗝#张雪迎酱园弄# ‧‧‧‧‧‧时光稍纵即逝,快呀,快呀,享乐去吧!人没有停泊的港湾,时光没有靠歇的岸; 它流逝,我们经过。"Time is fleeting, hurry up, hurry up, enjoy yourself! There is no harbor for people to anchor, and time has no shore to res ...全文
张雪迎 🍾#张雪迎酱园弄# 🍾#张雪迎轻年# 迈过三百六十五个昼夜,走过三百六十五个台阶,付出三百六十五滴辛劳,收获三百六十五个幸福。元旦将至,愿你新的一年:每天收获小幸福,积攒成大幸福;元旦快乐,福运齐天!"Having gone through 365 days and nights, walked 365 steps, put i ...全文
张雪迎🐄#张雪迎酱园弄# 🐄#百变偶像张雪迎# 电影是造梦的艺术,弥补遗憾也好,填补缺失也罢,终归是一种影像的呈现,现实生活中的我们,根本没有回到过去重新选择的机会。"Film is the art of dream-making, to make up for regret or fill the gap, is a kind of image presentation, ...全文
靳恩泽Dylan-Jin243天前 石家庄
张雪迎🍓#百变偶像张雪迎# 🍓#张雪迎酱园弄# 现实是此岸,理想是彼岸,而行动,是架在岸与岸之间的桥梁。"Reality is this shore, ideal is the other shore, and action, is a bridge between shore and shore." @张雪迎Sophie 石家庄·中基·礼域尚城南区