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  • 新浪体育 3160天前 

    本期《#奥运王中王# 》菲尔普斯再次回答了网友的提问!盛赞孙杨游出200米自由泳今年世界最好成绩,表示很期待看他比赛。因为很久没回家,菲鱼表示自己在比赛之后立马就赶回家里,迫切的想要跟布默待在一起,本期节目还有布默酣睡实力出镜~一起来看看吧:《奥运王中王》菲尔普斯第5期 布默酣睡抢镜

  • 迈克尔_菲尔普斯 3139天前 

    Boomer stinks sometimes! S/O to coach Bowman for doing this video with me. #奥运王中王# @新浪体育 《奥运王中王》菲尔普斯第6期 吐槽布默便便太臭

  • 单杆过百RN 2535天前 

    飞鱼//@迈克尔_菲尔普斯:Hi guys, my thoughts on my fifth trip to the Olympics. Also talked about the Euro Cup 2016 and Copa America Centenario. Wants to know who would I choose between Messi and @CristianoRonaldo? Come check out this video. #奥运王中王# #Rio2016#

  • L

    Leomiumiu 3096天前 

    这辈子对你绝无二心!😘 #奥运王中王# #Rio2016#

  • E

    Eva家的Eva 3125天前 

    you will win the gold medals,fighting!!! //@迈克尔_菲尔普斯:Hi guys, my thoughts on my fifth trip to the Olympics. Also talked about the Euro Cup 2016 and Copa America Centenario. Wants to know who would I choose between Messi and Come check out this video. #奥运王中王# #Rio2016#

  • 迈克尔_菲尔普斯 3127天前 

    Hi guys, my thoughts on my fifth trip to the Olympics. Also talked about the Euro Cup 2016 and Copa America Centenario. Wants to know who would I choose between Messi and @CristianoRonaldo? Come check out this video. #奥运王中王# #Rio2016#

  • 新浪体育 3127天前 

    #奥运王中王# 又来了!本期@迈克尔_菲尔普斯 谈到了对五进奥运的期待,菲鱼也关注了刚结束的欧洲杯与美洲杯,梅西和C罗,他更爱谁?本期我们将送出5顶菲尔普斯签名泳帽,如果您知道菲鱼在前不久奥运选拔赛上夺得哪三项冠军,并在本微博下方给出答案,就可能成为幸运者!《奥运王中王》第7期 菲鱼谈五进奥运赛+最爱梅西

  • 迈克尔_菲尔普斯 3140天前 

    I am a part of #奥运王中王# on Sina Sports. Stay tuned for more videos. @新浪体育 视频-奥运王中王菲尔普斯第一期 菲鱼谈奥运备战

  • 新浪体育 3181天前 

    #奥运王中王# 又来啦!你知道吗?菲尔普斯老师当爹了,他可是以超级金牌奶爸的身份参加今年里约奥运会哦。作为18金传奇,菲老师事迹太牛了,不过他也要退役的,未来会干什么呢?儿子会去学游泳吗?关于菲尔普斯你想知道哪些呢?快告诉小编,你的问题将有可能被选中得到他的回答哟。视频-《奥运王中王》第6期 菲尔普斯分享
