那个和这个世界 3780天前
#奥系小道# THR的Feinberg说摩尔可能会被公司推到女配单元,以提高提名几率。#I'm told that due to the relatively small size of her part, Moore will be pushed in the supporting actress Oscar race, which should increase the chances of her landing a fifth Oscar nom. #
那个和这个世界 3780天前
#奥系小道# THR的Feinberg说摩尔可能会被公司推到女配单元,以提高提名几率。#I'm told that due to the relatively small size of her part, Moore will be pushed in the supporting actress Oscar race, which should increase the chances of her landing a fifth Oscar nom. #
那个和这个世界 3793天前
#奥系小道# 昨天两部潜在奥系种子《模仿游戏》和《狂怒》都举行了试映,总结各方反馈:前者收获盛赞,被认为会是哈维今年的一号主力,甚至有人拿《国王的演讲》与之相比;后者评价也不错,在BP与部分表演奖单元有一定的潜力,但技术奖类别或许希望更大。