欢迎小主! 162导航


  • K

    KiL_Roan 19天前 广州

    Faouzia 筹备了一个月之久后在第一场中国巡演上完美呈现.... 你给我们带来过很多惊喜 这一次 轮到我们送你惊喜.... 感谢参与《Minefields》合唱、粉丝录音征集以及素材提供的亚丝们!这份惊喜是由中国小鹿一同用爱打造的! 广州场圆满结束!期待下周六的成都场! ...全文

  • 微博海外明星 20天前 北京

    即将空降#跨海超时光# 的海外星星是:@Faouzia凡希亚 空降话题:#凡希亚空降超话# #凡希亚FOCUS演唱会# 空降超话:Faouzia 空降时间:亚亚将于北京时间 2月17日中午12 点⏰在Faouzia超话与你互动,快定好你的闹钟哦! 活动参与方法: 即日起带双话 ...全文

  • S

    Starfish地盘200 17天前 台南市

    Faouzia [錦鯉附體]#凡希亚空降超话# #凡希亚FOCUS演唱会# 【Faouzia凡希亚】L’assasymphonie Starfish地盘200的🎞︎微博视频

  • A

    A漢GregHan 17天前 广州

    Faouzia#凡希亚空降超话# #凡希亚FOCUS演唱会# Yaya, we will always listen to your music and hope that you can come back to China frequently for activities. We will do our best to see you and we will always miss you!!! We all love u so much!!! ...全文

  • 智喝生椰拿铁__ 18天前 广州

    Faouzia#凡希亚空降超话# #凡希亚focus演唱会# “I record you with a camera, and I'm afraid that my eyes will miss you.” - “我用相机记录你,又怕眼睛错过你。” @Faouzia凡希亚 成都再见面吧 智喝生椰拿铁__的🎞︎微博视频

  • 一大只玛卡巴卡 18天前 广州

    Faouzia#凡希亚空降超话# WHAT AN AMAZING NIGHT!!!!!@Faouzia凡希亚 Talented Gorgeous Unbreakable Fantastic Unbelievable I never expected the stage would this BEAUTIFUL and SHINING. Girl you deserve everything. And I'm surprised that you were not crying when you saw that li ...全文

  • Y

    YOUWEI0403 18天前 济南

    Faouzia#凡希亚空降超话# #凡希亚FOCUS演唱会# I spent an hour trying to cover porcelain with a piano🥺 You're too talented@Faouzia凡希亚 YOUWEI0403的🎞︎微博视频

  • 念念猹_Clarah 18天前 肇庆

    Faouzia #凡希亚空降超话# #凡希亚FOCUS演唱会# my angel, can you tell me the formula of never parting @Faouzia凡希亚

  • J

    JXWASLF 18天前 广州

    Faouzia#凡希亚空降超话# #凡希亚FOCUS演唱会# 哪有人弹钢琴弹到一半对fawn 回眸一笑的soooooo cute JXWASLF的🎞︎微博视频

  • 今天开心了嘛Y_ 18天前 广州

    Faouzia#凡希亚FOCUS演唱会# #凡希亚空降超话# 救命 好可爱的fofo 或许你听到了昨晚我对你说的无数次 I love you 无法形容当我再次听到最爱的《Grenade》时激动的心情 广州·广州体育馆-1号馆

  • w

    woooTui 17天前 岳阳

    Faouzia I've seen you perform six times, in Changsha, Wuhan and Guangzhou. The seventh will be in Chengdu. I can't help liking this lovely little girl Little, sweet little girl#凡希亚空降超话# #凡希亚focus演唱会#

  • 海盐慕斯yxh 18天前 广州

    Faouzia porcelain演唱会现场太好听了太好听了 ,神曲呀 #凡希亚空降超话# #凡希亚focus演唱会# 海盐慕斯yxh的🎞︎微博视频

  • S

    ShineslikeaGEM 17天前 

    Faouzia#凡希亚空降超话# #凡希亚focus演唱会# thank you for everything🥹words can’t explain how emotional i felt last night! im very proud to see so many people supporting you and loving you,everything about last night was extremely magical and seemed so unreal✨I still c ...全文

  • 小锦鲤0611 10天前 龙岩

    Faouzia 靠谱吗Faouzia#凡希亚空降超话# #凡希亚# #faouzia凡希亚# #faouzia#

  • B

    BrucelanTc2451 16天前 广州

    Faouzia@Faouzia凡希亚 Hi yaya,I will never forget that night with you!!! I'm not from Guangzhou, I came to see your tour from other Place!My holiday will over after the Guangzhou tour Then I'll go back to my place prepare for my high school graduation this year, Actuall ...全文

  • Y

    Yancee__ 17天前 长沙

    Faouzia 🎹 #凡希亚空降超话# 🎤#凡希亚focus演唱会# 掉落一些广州演唱会相机里的亚亚碎片🧩 如果你去了凡希亚的演唱会,你便这一辈子都有了… Once you go to faouzia's concert, you will be too full of life... who understands this feeling is soooooooo unreal🥹

  • I

    Igerekouuui 17天前 东莞

    #凡希亚空降超话# I really really hope you can do more concerts and live house in China🫂and the photo I shoot on Sat night @Faouzia凡希亚

  • F

    Faouzia凡希亚 17天前 

    Faouzia#凡希亚空降超话# #凡希亚focus演唱会# hi my cuties ♡

  • 鱼暮木是个寡比 17天前 深圳

    #凡希亚空降超话# #凡希亚focus演唱会# Faouzia Yaya~I'm very happy that you could come to China once again❤️❤️❤️ I hope you have a wonderful time in China🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳 There are many delicacies and scenic spots waiting for you to explore here~...全文

  • D

    Dawn_xxy 17天前 南京

    Faouzia#凡希亚空降超话# #凡希亚FOCUS演唱会# What a pity not to be able to visit you because I have to have a class at school at this moment I am still in English class and I will definitely try to see you

  • X

    Xoiin_z 17天前 九江

    Faouzia#凡希亚空降超话# #凡希亚FOCUS演唱会# Are you still there? I love you.@Faouzia凡希亚
