彭冠英全球后援会 2613天前
#兰陵王妃一周年# #彭冠英宇文邕# 你是否还记得,去年今日,他惊鸿一瞥,你静如镜面的心湖如同投下一颗石子荡起层层涟漪; 你是否还记得,去年金秋,他在光影间穿梭千年,千年前•数月间,成了你我心心念念的向往; 你是否还记得,那一刻,长安城上,眼前春光十里不抵他低眉浅笑,明眸皓齿,长发飘然; ...全文
GuardianAngelOfDandelion 2613天前
#兰陵王妃一周年# #彭冠英兰陵王妃# @彭冠英 It was exactly one year ago on this day that we first met the character of Yu Wen Yong as he stepped out in that first scene with long flowing hair, grabbing the handkerchief and holding it up to his face, gazing at her with those cold, a ...全文