古天乐 3478天前
造型師今天帶來兩套服裝给我選擇,你們喜歡那套多些?#SamsungMobileHK# #GalaxyS6edgeplus# #stylish#
古天乐 3478天前
造型師今天帶來兩套服裝给我選擇,你們喜歡那套多些?#SamsungMobileHK# #GalaxyS6edgeplus# #stylish#
Galtiscopio_迦堤 3198天前
【La Giostra II 】Galtiscopio 童真的木馬II, 昇華版優雅帥氣,錶身更輕巧精緻,就是漂亮💋 #galtiscopio# #horse# #fashion# #swarovski# #crystal# #watch# #stylish# #romantic# #bling# #elegant# #cool# #chic# ...全文
Galtiscopio_迦堤 3348天前
以真我個性, 輕鬆欣賞人生的各種風景!!!Time to Enjoy~ ★【La Giostra II 】童真木馬 昇華系列★ Galtiscopio La Giostra II collection in store now~ #galtiscopio# #horse# #rosegold# #swarovski# #crystal# #watch# #stylish# #cool# #fashion# #giftideas#
luisaleitao 3585天前
Luisa Leitao @ The Sun 太陽報 #ll_luisaleitao# #luisaleitao# #sunglasses# #eyewear# #thesun# #fashion# #luxury# #fashionnews# #stylish# #style#
luisaleitao 3591天前
Luisa Leitao @ Oriental Daily News 東方日報 #ll_luisaleitao# #luisaleitao# #sunglasses# #eyewear# #orientaldaily# #fashion# #luxury# #fashionnews# #stylish# #fashionistas#
luisaleitao 3595天前
Luisa Leitao @RoadShow 路訊網 Read more: 🔗…/fashionable/popular/item/22215.html #ll_luisaleitao# #luisaleitao# #sunglasses# #eyewear# #roadshow# #fashion# #luxury# #fashionnews# #stylish#
luisaleitao 3597天前
Luisa Leitao @ ON.CC 東網 Read more: #luisaleitao# #ll_luisaleitao# #sunglasses# #eyewear# #oncc# #fashion# #luxury# #fashionnews# #stylish# #style#
LizBlackFashion 3671天前
Our #WCW# woman is #Sophia Loren# ! [变花] #Model Role# #beautiful# #stylish# #elegant# #LFW# #PFW# #A/W 2015/16#