Shaizhen晒真201608 2天前
言承旭#Jerry Yan# ycx #To the whole world, I recommend Jerry Yan# I have never seen anyone like you. You are more than enough! @言承旭Jerry Shaizhen晒真201608的🎞︎微博视频
Shaizhen晒真201608 2天前
言承旭#Jerry Yan# ycx #To the whole world, I recommend Jerry Yan# I have never seen anyone like you. You are more than enough! @言承旭Jerry Shaizhen晒真201608的🎞︎微博视频
Shaizhen晒真201608 6天前
言承旭#Jerry Yan# ♥️ #To recommend Jerry Yan to the whole world# There is only one happiness in life, to love and be loved. @言承旭Jerry Shaizhen晒真201608的🎞︎微博视频
igorotnanny 746天前
言承旭#Jerry Yanxu Xiahua# #Jerry Yan Xiaohan# #夏花# #网剧夏花# @言成旭Jerry's acting skills is in it's perfection, elegance and magnificence, everytime he appears, he captures the audience's heart and attracts you to walk into his role. ctto
Shaizhen晒真201608 19小时前
言承旭# Recommend Jerry Yan to the whole world# # ycx# # Jerry Yan# Your talent and kindness have brought so much joy to our life. Always keep up the strength and shine brightly! @言承旭Jerry
用户7517296784 1552天前
#jerry yan weibo account# im happy because i have weibo .i am super fan of jerry yan since when im 16 until now im 34.pls what is weibo account jerry yan 😊😊😊
蛇蝎女愛33 1573天前
言承旭 @言承旭Jerry #Jerry Yan# 有負擔、有壓力的,都不是你內心真想要的東西! #給予和接受# 當這兩樣東西運用的恰當時,它是一件美事❤️ 那什麼是恰當?我覺得,當兩者都不會給你任何負擔和壓力,這就是恰當吧!而且還會讓你打從心裡喜悅不已,這就是恰當!
用户tin-tin 1796天前
🤔🤔🤔🤔 just thinking in a while.. more philippina women is your die hard fan... just want to ask this .. are you really interested with that?? 🙂 i have a group chat,pages to join.. i feel my team mates how much they admire you most... specialy me.. since im 10 years ...全文
Annalissa用户6974326027 2217天前
I vote for @jerry_yan_official #Jerry yan from # china for #100mosthandsomeasiafaces2018 # liketccasia #tccandler
言承旭_老闆 2502天前
5/16劉成洪發表了微博,並與傑瑞貼了一張照片:“好兄弟.....我的地方是你的地方!” 5月16日,威爾劉在他的微博上張貼了言承旭的照片,“巴迪,我的地方是你的地方! “ 圖片來源:微博@劉根紅willliu #Jerry Yan # JerryYan #Ji Yanxu發行我的北鼻
Thearadmn 2616天前
like idol....... #Jerry yan# #between# #between# #Tongliya# #sokuntheara_tep# #ទេពសុគន្ធារ៉ា# #sokuntheara_tep# #tsokuntheara# 柬埔寨·Cambodia Phnom penh
嘬几口小酒 3574天前
有美_0125 3695天前
2008年のJerry(❀╹◡╹❀) この頃はやっばり今と比べると、少し細いかな…(ノ∀;`) #言承旭# #Jerry Yan# 2