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# I know it&#

  • 宝蓝映像_FirstImpression 110天前 

    240929仁英姐ins更新利特相关: #利特 成为了台湾# 金门高粱酒 的代言人!! 我不知道这个高粱酒是那么有名,历史那么悠久的👍👍 因为想喝一次,所以我让他把酒带到济州岛,并且和中餐一起品尝了!! 花香充斥在我的嘴里,真是太美味了….我喝太多了🤣 怒那你喝醉了吗??哈哈哈哈 美味!! . ...全文

  • 叶湘灏 775天前 郑州

    歌曲 《One Life》, 原唱 Ed sheeran #吉他弹唱 # 中国好声音 #But I Know that it's worth it to spend forever with you # 好声音什么时候再开唱啊 #好怀念我的同事啊 郑州 Hi吕文灏的🎞︎微博视频

  • 白灵 1012天前 

    喜欢我昨晚崭新的粉红晚装和钻石高跟鞋子吗? 这是昨我的新电影在电影节的首映。这是我第一次看到这部电影,好棒好精彩刺激的电影,我的人物是如此的热情勇敢机智充满了无尽的感情感动,为了自由她必须用生命来换取生命。 我平时是最怕冷的,可在看电影的过程中热的我一件一件衣服脱掉,热血澎湃,真的 ...全文

  • 虎扑大吉大利 1171天前 

    【假如你是王康】优秀作品展示 作者:PUBG_Esports Dear father joy, I am very happy to have qualified for this PGC and finally realized my dream of being on the world stage. My old father joy, I’m sure you know how overwhelmed I feel at this moment. When I first realized that I ...全文

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    -兴之所想- 1642天前 

    应该有很多贝壳不懂《莲·今生篇》中《沸》这首歌大量长沙话的意思,我是长沙人,但是也读大学以来就在外地生活了,但是方言还是懂的,但可能没那么好了,简单做了个长沙话翻译,给大家看看。肯定有些不太对的地方,有长沙老乡可以留言,我也会及时订正,这首歌很拽的,走起! 沸沸沸 一个沸字不能概括 ...全文

  • 黄世超 1669天前 

    #I know you want it# #锁住六月#

  • T

    TwentyOnePilots资讯 2335天前 

    新专Trench第四首先行曲My Blood刚刚发布,歌曲搭配了泰老师在录音棚录歌的影像。真的比预想的好听! 歌词: When everyone you thought you knew, Deserts your fight, I'll go with you. You&# 039;re facing down a dark hall, I'll grab my light, and go with you. I&# 039;ll go with yo ...全文

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    zhen713回归 2364天前 

    @霍尊 為2018年916霍尊生日歌友會[圍觀]預熱 第四棒[带着微博去旅行] 2014.9.13 @霍尊 1314生日会_近拍_2《#When The World Turns Blue# 》2014.9.13 霍尊1314生日会_近拍_2《When The World Turns Blue》 《When The World Turns Blue》Lyric[音樂][好喜歡] When the world turns blue some where after y ...全文

  • 桔子味的汽水熊 163天前 北京

    Who can resist the soft and adorable Lin Zhi Xiao? #It# 'sThatHeartThrobFeeling## I know I can't, even as a girl! #TotallyAddicted# #LinZhiXiao# #YangZi# #art# 桔子味的汽水熊的🎞︎微博视频

  • 软糯哼 176天前 开封

    陈奕恒陈奕恒 四代顶级视觉门面#💜# 陈奕恒 轻灵甜韵vocal#Speak with your heart, speak with your eyes, speak with your eyesWhy don't you know if you don't try?The world is very big, and it is difficult to see you, but love doesn't need distance, it is felt with your heart, ...全文

  • 魔燈光喵 187天前 成都


  • 栗罐小熊饼 205天前 天津

    LINEMAN x PONDPHUWIN #LINEMANandPondPhuwin 🐼 I like to search... he know that I like to search for restaurant, no matter where we go 🐻 And the food very delicious too. He like to said "do u want to order". I will said "u try to order it. I will eat too". And when he order ...全文

  • 白灵 209天前 

    Tell me why people love legs, high heels and feet so much? What’s your obsession? 告訴我為什麼人們喜欢腿,高跟鞋和脚?你的奢侈品是什么? With tremendous excitement I will See you tonight on my #subscribe channel for a fun surprising wild sexy # liveshow at10pm ...全文

  • 雪狐_ArcticFox_Running 225天前 贵阳

    名井南𝐃𝐢𝐞 𝐅𝐨𝐫 𝐘𝐨𝐮➹ #Even though we're going through it # And it makes you feel alone #Just know that I would die for you # Baby I would die for you 雪狐_ArcticFox_Running的🎞︎微博视频

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    amberyue 652天前 上海

    CraigDavid资讯Craig David ins story: 我知道你们很多人认出了 @OfficialJonB 带来的这段【泪珠】 样本 👀🎶 事情是这样的 🌕 感谢 Mikebranchild理解了这次任务❤️✅💫 #22 I know a lot of you recognised the @OfficialJonB sample on Teardrops 👀🎶 This is how it all we ...全文
