Legend of the Melonheads
导演:Brian C. Lawlor
主演:Del Bethel,Grace Flynn,Dean Greenwalt
地区:美国 / 75分钟
猫眼ID:962231 🎫 买电影票就上猫眼
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- 1-3分 0%
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丨Legend of the Melonheads剧情介绍
本片由Brian C. Lawlor导演Del Bethel,Grace Flynn,Dean Greenwalt主演,于未知美国上映!
Join four young adults as they set out to spend the weekend in Melonhead Country and try to disprove the various legends in the area. Crybaby Bridge, the Witch's Grave, Gravity Hill and the Satanic Church, carnage awaits those who dare to face the inhuman fury lurking in the woods. Learn the story of Dr. Crow, the sadistic, insane scientist who took pleasure in mentally and physically abusing the children placed in his care. Who are the Melonheads? Are they just a myth or an evil aberration preying on innocent people? Many have witnessed the eyes peering from the shadows, many have fallen victim to the attacks. The second feature film by award winning director Brian C. Lawlor and the first film based on Ohio's creepiest legend.
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