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电影首页纪录片Wiebo`s War剧情介绍,Wiebo`s War主演导演
Wiebo`s War

Wiebo`s War


导演:David York

主演:Wiebo Ludwig



地区:加拿大 / 93分钟


又名:Wiebo's War / Ο πόλεμος του Ουίμπο

猫眼ID:956287 🎫 买电影票就上猫眼

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丨Wiebo`s War剧情介绍

本片由David York导演Wiebo Ludwig主演,于未知加拿大上映!

Tells the story of a Christian community, at war with the oil and gas industry. Wiebo Ludwig is a suspect in a series of pipeline bombings near his farm. The bombings echo a campaign of sabotage he waged 10 years ago: barricading roads, blowing up wells, culminating in the unsolved death of a teen aged girl. The Ludwigs live according to their religious values. They are self-sufficient in food and energy, but isolated, with seven unmarried adult children, and 38 grandchildren. They believe that those who don't share their beliefs, like filmmaker David York, are living in terrible darkness.

丨Wiebo`s War电影热评


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