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Stalin's Psychiatrist

Stalin's Psychiatrist


导演:Mike Politis

主演:Niclas Kellogg,Darlene Elizabeth Kipp,Mike J. Politis



地区:加拿大 / 60分钟


又名:Stalin`s Psychiatrist

猫眼ID:928396 🎫 买电影票就上猫眼

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丨Stalin's Psychiatrist剧情介绍

本片由Mike Politis导演Niclas Kellogg,Darlene Elizabeth Kipp,Mike J. Politis主演,于未知加拿大上映!

An intelligent, attractive, dominatrix female psychiatrist takes it upon herself to bring a very mentally-unstable Joseph Stalin back into functional shape during his nervous breakdown as Hitler invades Russia. It's June, 1941, and Joseph's Stalin new 'ally' in the non-aggression pact, Adolf Hitler, does a surprise invasion of the USSR. It's the first time 'Man of Steel' Joseph Stalin doesn't get his way in his masterfully-planned rise to global domination. Haunted by ghosts, demons and atrocities to his own people he did in his past, he has a nervous breakdown, locking himself in his room, communicating with NO one. In the meantime, through terror and manipulation he has built a country where NO one does ANYthing without his say so, and the Generals are waiting for orders as to how to fight back, or IF they should fight back. Nazi storm troopers are taking over the USSR meeting no effective resistance, and 'Uncle Joe' Stalin is to blame, since he ignored warnings from a German ...

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