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Explore our 50th state with Frank Klicar who will give you a unique view of the land and people of this tropical paradise. Visit Kauai, the Garden Isle, and learn how sugar is produced. Oahu is the location of the state capital, Honolulu and scene of the 1941 attack on Pearl Harbor. Hear a first hand account of the events of the fateful day from those who witnessed it. Molokai is the least developed of the islands and here you will learn the story of Father Damien. Maui, the former capital under the great kings of Hawaii, is now the tourist center of the islands.Lahaina is a former whaling center and site of the annual canoe carving competition. The Big Island of Hawaii is larger than all the other islands combined. Here volcanoes still are erupting and creating new land. Coffee and cattle ranching remain an important part of the economy. Finally, we'll drive to the top of 14,000 foot Mauna Kea volcano to see the largest astronomical observatory complex in the world.
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