Being George Clooney
导演:Paul Mariano
主演:Arzu Balkan,Dario Bonucci,Guilherme Briggs
地区:美国 / 88分钟
又名: / 乔治克隆尼配音员的心声(台),佐治古尼配音员的心声(港)
猫眼ID:920151 🎫 买电影票就上猫眼
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丨Being George Clooney剧情介绍
本片由Paul Mariano导演Arzu Balkan,Dario Bonucci,Guilherme Briggs主演,于未知美国上映!
Francesco Pannofino. Martin Umbach. Tamer Karadagli. Marco Antonio Costa. What do all of these men have in common? They are the international voices of acclaimed actor George Clooney. Being George Clooney is a feature length documentary that delves into the creative, often humorous world of audio dubbing a Hollywood motion picture. Just who are these voices behind that famous face? The film explores both the personal lives of these voice artists and their lives as George Clooney's "alter ego". Being George Clooney is the first film to go behind the scenes to dubbing studios in Los Angeles, Berlin, Rome and Mumbai. The film shows us the problems, the processes and the personalities that translate an American hit into an international blockbuster, and asks the question-what is it like Being George Clooney.
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