Psiconautas, the forgotten children
地区:西班牙,日本,美国 / 76分钟
又名: / Birdboy: The Forgotten Children,Psiconautas, as Crianças Esquecidas,Psychonauts, the Forgotten Children,Psiconautas,Psiconautas, As Crianças Esquecidas,Pszichonauták - Az elveszett gyerekek,Psychonauci, zapomniane dzieci,サイコノータス 忘れられたこどもたち,Psiconautas, los niños olvidados,Psiconautas, As crianças esquecidas,Психонавты, забытые дети
猫眼ID:882216 🎫 买电影票就上猫眼
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- 1-3分 0%
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丨Psiconautas, the forgotten children剧情介绍
Psychonauts is an animated feature directed by Alberto Vazquez and Pedro Rivero, from the original graphic novel of the same title by Alberto Vazquez As a feature, is the culmination of a journey started with the short film 'Birdboy', also based on this graphic novel which was awarded with a Goya Award in 2012. 'Birdboy' was also shortlisted for the Oscar in its category and earned an extensive list of awards at national and international festivals. Aimed at young and adult audiences, Psychonauts is an atypical work that it served of the typical iconography of cartoons series to tell an intense poetic and social story. In it, the struggle of its main characters, DINKY and BIRDBOY, trying to escape of the suffocating atmosphere that is breathed in the island where they live. A place that lost its entire splendor because of a terrible industrial accident The lack of job prospects, the family and social control to whom are perceived as different from the norm, the fondness for addictive ...
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