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Calling the Dead

Calling the Dead


导演:Omer Pasha

主演:Omer Pasha



地区:美国 / 58分钟



猫眼ID:859894 🎫 买电影票就上猫眼

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丨Calling the Dead剧情介绍

本片由Omer Pasha导演Omer Pasha主演,于未知美国上映!

Its not a joke. God will choose for the ones to see and for the ones He will purposely make not see. 'Calling The Dead' it is not offensive to invoke the dead non-stop because it is they who are mind numbingly shriekingly desperate to make contact with any living, especially if they have left untimely and accidently. In the name of Elisha, Elijah, St. Peter and Christ the power combined, the dead are able to talk to the living and bond. The evening sunset that comes in Hollywood Hills, Los Angeles the dead are fully alive. This genre of film is non-fiction reality tv. The music videos are based on true events and the ritual that follows at the end of this musical is real and authentic. To keep 'True Faith' in the entire State of California that yes they will come and they come. It is the dead. The most frightening experience filled with love and emotion. "Calling The Dead" is taken from "Barham Boulevard The Musical." It is that endless and repetitive journey in loop to break the ...

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