Van Gog ne vinovat
导演:Vera Yakovenko,Vira Yakovenko
主演:Alla Fomicheva,Vladimir Grishko,阿尔缅·哲加尔哈尼扬
地区:乌克兰 / 90分钟
又名: / Ван Гог не виноват
猫眼ID:853655 🎫 买电影票就上猫眼
- 10 分 0%
- 8-9分 0%
- 6-7分 0%
- 4-5分 0%
- 1-3分 0%
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丨Van Gog ne vinovat剧情介绍
本片由Vera Yakovenko,Vira Yakovenko导演Alla Fomicheva,Vladimir Grishko,阿尔缅·哲加尔哈尼扬主演,于未知乌克兰上映!
Denis Valevsky is a 45 year-old businessman, he owns a furniture factory. He makes a tough business, quarrels with his bored wife and measures his life clearly - with dollar bills. The only thing to be appreciated is money. But the car accident unexpectedly throws Denis out of his routine. Suddenly he starts noticing things that had never interested him before: forms of flowers, silhouettes on the dress of his wife, unusual wall-paper colors... Inspired by these new abilities Denis spends all of his attention painting, gradually throwing all his businesses out of the head. As a result - he misses a profitable deal, partners recall their money back, and when a young lady artist appears in Denis' life, everything turns to complete confusion...
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