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丨Sway Destiny剧情介绍
When Dr. Andrew Devereaux, a psychiatrist with a solid track record, finds that his most recent patient, Thomas, has eluded his rehabilitation, it turns their doctor/patient relationship into a windstorm of disturbing experiences. Thomas's behavior is at first erratic, then it soon becomes threatening. Thomas tells Andrew he's in control of the universe now. It is his creation. Andrew begins to experience hallucinations and psychotic episodes he can't explain or ignore. As his grip on reality is threatened, all he knows for certain is that Thomas is at the center of it. Andrew finds himself in a distorted world where none of the natural laws apply. Where the dead do not die and life and dreams are indistinguishable. And recurring in the tormented scenarios is a woman. A dead woman that nonetheless seems determined either to explain his nightmare.... or drive him mad. When Thomas challenges his doctor for a diagnosis, a sinister agenda slowly unfolds as Andrew learns he is being ...
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