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La Once

La Once



主演:Ximena Calderón,Angélica Charpentier,Nina Chiccarelli



地区:美国,智利 / 70分钟


又名: / Tea Time

猫眼ID:845716 🎫 买电影票就上猫眼

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丨La Once剧情介绍

本片由梅特·阿尔贝蒂导演Ximena Calderón,Angélica Charpentier,Nina Chiccarelli主演,于未知美国,智利上映!

For sixty years, Maria Teresa and her high school friends have been meeting for monthly tea in Santiago. As a maid quietly keeps cups and plates filled, the genteel women pray, then talk about their ailments, their husbands, and the rapidly changing world around them. Director Maite Alberdi keeps a tight focus on the food and the friends' faces, as they listen to each other's stories, gently tease, and reminisce. Gradually their personalities emerge, and over four years of filming, we come to know them individually, understanding their differences and senses of humour. As their number dwindles, their friendship group takes on even more significance. A deceptively simple construct, Tea Time in fact works on several levels, not least as a journey into the little seen world of upper middle class Chile, and, most memorably, as a moving love letter to female friendship.

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