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电影首页剧情Finding Home剧情介绍,Finding Home主演导演
Finding Home

Finding Home


导演:Derek Hammeke

主演:Stephanie Freed



地区:美国,柬埔寨 / 118分钟



猫眼ID:826836 🎫 买电影票就上猫眼

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丨Finding Home剧情介绍

本片由Derek Hammeke导演Stephanie Freed主演,于未知美国,柬埔寨上映!

Finding Home is a gripping documentary following the lives of three young Cambodian women who were victims of sex trafficking at a young age. Filmmaker, Derek Hammeke, brings to life the brutal and evil world of modern day slavery. Through three years of filming their post trafficking experiences, Hammeke allows these young women to reveal their stories with dignity. The viewer will see the devastation and heartache of these tragic stories, but will also experience hope and joy as they journey with these young women on a path from victim to survivor. Finding Home reminds us that we are all connected in our humanity; that we are all looking for a place of love, acceptance and community. A place called home.

丨Finding Home电影热评


丨Finding Home电影新评


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