Wild Eyes: The Abby Sunderland Story
导演:Laurence Sunderland
主演:Luca del Poppo,Michael I. Goode,Daniel Lynn
地区:美国 / 78分钟
猫眼ID:785797 🎫 买电影票就上猫眼
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丨Wild Eyes: The Abby Sunderland Story预告片 精彩视频
丨Wild Eyes: The Abby Sunderland Story剧情介绍
本片由Laurence Sunderland导演Luca del Poppo,Michael I. Goode,Daniel Lynn主演,于未知美国上映!
Wild Eyes: The Abby Sunderland Story is a film documentary of the solo circumnavigation attempt of 16 year old Abby Sunderland in January of 2010. The documentary chronicles the birth of Abby's dream out of a childhood of sailing and the preparation and pursuit of this enormous undertaking. Half way around the world, Abby's 40 foot sailboat, Wild Eyes, is unexpectedly hit by a massive rogue wave which rolls her boat 360 degrees snapping the mast off at the deck. Abby's survival and rescue at sea provides an inspirational tale of overcoming tremendous obstacles only to become a stronger and better person in the end.
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