The Ultimate Survivor
导演:Philip Hind
主演:Jane Derricott,Philippa Farrow,Bill Heine
地区:英国 / 60分钟
猫眼ID:781226 🎫 买电影票就上猫眼
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丨The Ultimate Survivor剧情介绍
本片由Philip Hind导演Jane Derricott,Philippa Farrow,Bill Heine主演,于未知英国上映!
Moving pictures first came to Oxford in 1896 but for years remained little more than a fairground sideshow. It would be fifteen years before Oxford's first purpose built cinema was opened. The little picture palace on Jeune Street survived just six years, closing at the height of the First World War. It remained there, an abandoned relic, for fifty-nine years until 1976 when two film enthusiasts discovered the decaying building and set about restoring it. With a dramatic new look, including fabulous 'Al Jolson' hands on its classical facade, the Penultimate Picture Palace became famous for challenging censorship and screening controversial, unusual and banned films. Closure under acrimonious circumstances in 1994 led to an unexpected change in fortune when the again empty building was occupied by political activists and run as a free cinema and community cultural centre. Now reopened and revitalized the cinema lives on as the Ultimate Picture Palace. The Ultimate Survivor tells the ...
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