Mini Monsters of Amazonia
导演:Thierry Berrod,Quincy Russell
地区:法国,加拿大 / 60分钟
又名: / Mini-monstres en Amazonie
猫眼ID:771952 🎫 买电影票就上猫眼
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丨Mini Monsters of Amazonia剧情介绍
本片由Thierry Berrod,Quincy Russell导演XX主演,于未知法国,加拿大上映!
This documentary looks into the mini world of membracidae insects, also known as Treehoppers, living in Amazonia. A team of bug scientists take a look at these little creatures, many smaller than 6 mm, to reveal the complex relationships between these species and their environments. These tiny evolutionary marvels have existed for approximately 40 million years and continue to survive by mimicking the ecosystem around them. Taking on forms well beyond our imagination, and looking like something from a science fiction world, the treehoppers are captured through the camera's lens and through special audio recording, revealing a few unexplained mysteries of nature.
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