Luanda, a Fábrica da Música
导演:Inês Gonçalves,Kiluanje Liberdade
主演:DJ Bobodji,Dj Buda,Dj Mal Criado
地区:安哥拉 / 54分钟
又名: / Luanda, a Fábrica da Música,Luanda, Factory of Music
猫眼ID:768424 🎫 买电影票就上猫眼
- 10 分 0%
- 8-9分 0%
- 6-7分 0%
- 4-5分 0%
- 1-3分 0%
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丨Luanda, a Fábrica da Música剧情介绍
本片由Inês Gonçalves,Kiluanje Liberdade导演DJ Bobodji,Dj Buda,Dj Mal Criado主演,于未知安哥拉上映!
A Luanda musseke under permanent construction shelters the kid poets. DJ Buda is one of them. In his computer, Buda brings to life mesmerizing electronic rhythms. They all want to try his machine oozing kuduro sound. Each boy tells his story in his own fashion. "I am more contained, so they call me Mellow". They want to listen to themselves. They dance. DJ Buda's parties are very successful, with food, drink and dance all night long. "Music Factory" is a hymn: it shows how Angolans are able to create, produce, sell and consume their own product, in this case music. A true cry of independence.
丨Luanda, a Fábrica da Música电影热评
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