Winds of Sand, Women of Rock
导演:Nathalie Borgers
主演:Amina Ahmed,Mariama Dadi,Hanne Issa
地区:奥地利,法国,比利时 / 93分钟
又名: / Vents de sable, femmes de roc,Άνεμοι από άμμο, γυναίκες από βράχο,Winds of Sand, Women of Rock,Die Frauenkarawane
猫眼ID:765828 🎫 买电影票就上猫眼
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丨Winds of Sand, Women of Rock剧情介绍
本片由Nathalie Borgers导演Amina Ahmed,Mariama Dadi,Hanne Issa主演,于未知奥地利,法国,比利时上映!
This may be the last journey of Domagali, Amina and Hanne and their Toubou women's caravan in the Sahara. Each fall, armed with daggers, they leave the men behind and cross the desert to sell dates in Agadez to bring back the means to survive in the village for another year. This economic responsibility gives them a special position in their society. Yet, the increasing market pressure endangers their 'business'. How will their social status change?
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