La princesa del polígono
导演:Rafa Montesinos
主演:Voro Tarazona,Laia Tarruella,乔治·卢帕诺
地区:西班牙 / 97分钟
又名: / Förortsprinsessan,La princesa del polígon,Egymásra utalva,Die Vorstadtprinzessin,Il sogno della mia vita, la principessa del poligono,Inner City Princess
猫眼ID:748721 🎫 买电影票就上猫眼
- 10 分 0%
- 8-9分 0%
- 6-7分 0%
- 4-5分 0%
- 1-3分 0%
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丨La princesa del polígono剧情介绍
本片由Rafa Montesinos导演Voro Tarazona,Laia Tarruella,乔治·卢帕诺主演,于未知西班牙上映!
Gracia, a beautiful gypsy woman, has been living on her own in Barcelona for years, away from the Inner City where she was born. More precisely, since her father, the patriarch, threw her out of the clan. But now her people are back. They do not want anything with her or from her, but life is above all that: Alba, her niece, is very ill and needs to undergo a medical treatment in the city. But the family has decided that Alba must not know anything about her illness. And so, Gracia's reveler life changes drastically as she has to live with a gypsy haughty teenager who struggles against the world, against Gracia and against her own body. And it is that struggle what will unite both women forever.
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