Gamal Abd El Naser
导演:Anwar Kawadri
主演:Ryad El Khouly,Tal'at Zein,Ghada Abdel Razk
地区:埃及 / 130分钟
猫眼ID:732438 🎫 买电影票就上猫眼
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丨Gamal Abd El Naser剧情介绍
本片由Anwar Kawadri导演Ryad El Khouly,Tal'at Zein,Ghada Abdel Razk主演,于未知埃及上映!
Gamal Abdel Nasser, the leader of the free Officers whose members include his closest friend, Amer, successfully executes a coup which puts an end to the corrupt rule of King Farouk. The son of a postmaster, he is the first Egyptian to rule Egypt in over two thousand years. He sets about to improve the living standard of the people. His land reform enables the peasants to own the land they are tilling. A Dramatic attempt to assassinate him which fails add to his stature. He achieves the withdrawal of the British army from the Suez Canal. His policies are directed at giving a sense of national pride and identify to the people who adulate him. In order to build the Aswan High Dam he nationalises the Suez Canal. Eden's attempt to occupy the Canal Zone by force of arms fails, due to Nasser's determined resistance and direct intervention of President Eisenhower. Nasser emerges from the Suez War as the hero of the anti-Imperialist world. Nasser now aims to further the cause of Arab ...
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