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Range Riders

Range Riders



主演:Barbara Starr,Buddy Roosevelt,Lew Meehan



地区:美国 / 46分钟


又名: / O Terror do Texas

猫眼ID:676603 🎫 买电影票就上猫眼

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丨Range Riders剧情介绍

本片由维克托·亚当森导演Barbara Starr,Buddy Roosevelt,Lew Meehan主演,于未知美国上映!

An outlaw gang is terrorizing the town and local ranchers, so old John Sutton sends a letter to his college-attending son, Dick, to come home and take care of the varmits. Gang leader "Bull" Crawford and his motley crew of henchmen make plans to meet Dick when he arrives. The man they meet is a sappy-looking young man who arrives loaded down with tennis racquets, golf clubs, butterfly nets and other paraphernalia the outlaws associate with saps, boobs and broke-back tap dancers. They figure they have nothing to fear from old "Dad" Sutton's pride and joy. Rancher's daughter Elsie Waldron doesn't think so, either.

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