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Wild West Whoopee

Wild West Whoopee


导演:Robert J. Horner

主演:Jack Perrin,Josephine Hill,Buzz Barton



地区:美国 / 57分钟



猫眼ID:676193 🎫 买电影票就上猫眼

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丨Wild West Whoopee剧情介绍

本片由Robert J. Horner导演Jack Perrin,Josephine Hill,Buzz Barton主演,于未知美国上映!

One of the bottom-of-the-barrel, cheap-jack films from Robert J. Horner's Cosmos Produtions, Inc. This one is about 50% filled with archive footage rodeo scenes inserted here and there, but the disjointed rodeo footage has more logic and continuity than the plot; Rodeo rider Jack Perrin captures and tames a wild horse, Starlight, and impresses rodeo girl Josephine Hill, but rodeo villain Fred Church has a yen or something for Miss Hill also, so he cuts a stirrup on Jack's saddle to get rid of him. Jack don't need two stirrups.Church has no lines, probably because Horner forgot to write him any, but he excels at silent simmering and yenning.

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