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Ranson's Folly

Ranson's Folly


导演:Richard Ridgely

主演:Joseph Bingham,马乔里·埃里森,杰西·史蒂文斯



地区:美国 / 0分钟



猫眼ID:672983 🎫 买电影票就上猫眼

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丨Ranson's Folly剧情介绍

本片由Richard Ridgely导演Joseph Bingham,马乔里·埃里森,杰西·史蒂文斯主演,于未知美国上映!

Filled with memories of the Philippine campaign, Lieutenant Ranson returns to the United States. After a month or two in Washington, he tells his father that he must have a change, and a chance to see some excitement. General Ranson thereupon writes and arranges to have him go to Fort Stanton, Texas, an army post commanded by an old friend. Arrived at the railroad town nearest to the post, Ranson is conveyed to the post by stagecoach. A prairie fire is in progress a few miles away from Fort Stanton, and Ranson joins the soldiers and others in fighting it. Incidentally, he is successful in rescuing Mary Cahill, the daughter of the post-trader, Patrick Cahill. Ranson is received into the life of the fort and becomes a leader among the younger men. Ranson talks of the "big doings" out in the Philippines, and is "bored to death" with the dull routine of the fort.

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