One Million Dollars
主演:Henri Bergman,Charles E. Graham,William Faversham
地区:美国 / 50分钟
猫眼ID:672967 🎫 买电影票就上猫眼
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丨One Million Dollars剧情介绍
本片由约翰·W·诺贝尔导演Henri Bergman,Charles E. Graham,William Faversham主演,于未知美国上映!
Richard Duvall, a noted English criminologist, while touring in India, saves the life of a Buddhist priest who rewards him with the presentation of a wonderful crystal globe. By gazing in it the priest demonstrates that Duvall can fall into a cataleptic state and his astral body is released and is free to roam at will. Leaving the temple, Duvall collides with Grace Ellicott, who is touring the Far East with her aunt, the Countess D'Este and the Count. A mutual admiration between Grace and Duvall results from the accidental meeting. Later, in England, the mistress of Count D'Este makes financial demands which he cannot meet. With his housekeeper, Mrs. Cooke, he plans to put his wife out of the way and thus obtain her fortune. Poison is put in candy which the Countess eats. Her sudden death arouses the suspicion of her niece. On his return to England, Duvall experiments with the magic globe. He is surprised and pleased to see the face of the girl he met in India. Further experiments, ...
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