The Caprices of Kitty
地区:美国 / 50分钟
又名: / Kittyn oikut
猫眼ID:672828 🎫 买电影票就上猫眼
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丨The Caprices of Kitty剧情介绍
Katherine Bradley, known as "Kit," is an orphan and heiress. At an early age she is placed in a fashionable and select seminary for young women. Kit, by means of her fascinating daring, her unlimited cash, and her lovable personality, enlists the cooperation of all the girls in any affair which she undertakes. She so impresses the principal of the school with her open-heartedness that she is given permission to drive her car from four to five o'clock each day. The story opens on the day of the annual play given by the young women of Miss Smythe's Select Seminary. The question passes from mouth to mouth, "Where's Kit Bradley? She's our leading man." A search is instituted which results in finding a note in Kit's room saying that she has taken her car out for a drive. The principal is horrified that her charge should be out without a chaperon, and determines that such an action shall not be repeated. In the meantime, Kit, speeding along the country roads far from home, has an accident.
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