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Salomy Jane

Salomy Jane



主演:Loretta Ephran,Harold B. Meade,Fred Snook



地区:美国 / 85分钟



猫眼ID:672773 🎫 买电影票就上猫眼

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丨Salomy Jane剧情介绍

本片由威廉·奈,卢修斯·亨德森导演Loretta Ephran,Harold B. Meade,Fred Snook主演,于未知美国上映!

The story opens with the arrival in Hangtown of Madison Clay and his daughter, Salomy Jane, who have emigrated all the way from Kentucky. Straightway the young men and bachelors of the camp fall desperately in love with Salomy Jane. Her preference at first is for Rufe. Almost simultaneously with Clay's arrival the "Man" comes to Hangtown via the overland stage coach. He finds his way to the town bar and there recognizes Baldwin, who before coming west, had betrayed the "Man's" sister. The "Man" following comes upon him just in time to save Salomy from his insult. They grapple, but Baldwin breaks away and runs through the woods to his cabin where he begins packing with intent of leaving the community. Meantime Salomy. outraged at the insults of Baldwin, offers to marry Rufe on condition he kills him. Rufe demurs, but, passing Baldwin's cabin a short while afterward, hears noise of a fight inside and looking through the window sees the "Man" kill Baldwin.

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