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电影首页喜剧Up the Road with Sallie剧情介绍,Up the Road with Sallie主演导演
Up the Road with Sallie

Up the Road with Sallie



主演:Thomas Persse,M.B. Paanakker,康斯坦斯·塔尔梅奇



地区:美国 / 50分钟


又名: / Lykkens Automobil

猫眼ID:671512 🎫 买电影票就上猫眼

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丨Up the Road with Sallie剧情介绍

本片由威廉·德斯蒙德·泰勒导演Thomas Persse,M.B. Paanakker,康斯坦斯·塔尔梅奇主演,于未知美国上映!

Sallie Waters inherits $5,000 along with other legatees unknown to her. Whichever of the heirs uses his initial bequest to the best advantage is to receive the main residue of the estate. Sallie abducts her dignified aunt, but a storm comes up, and they have to seek refuge in a deserted house. Two young men have also sought shelter in the same place, and Sallie recognizes the ring one of them is wearing as having belonged to her dead uncle, and concludes that they are burglars. They see Sallie`s roll of bills, and suspect her, too, of being thief. When the sheriff arrives and quarantines them each group believes its suspicions confirmed. But the arrival of the owner of the house brings about a surprising and unexpected denouement.

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