导演:Juan Villegas
主演:Gerardo Young,Mirna Suárez
地区:阿根廷 / 0分钟
又名:Rutas y veredas / Roads & Sidewalks
猫眼ID:669673 🎫 买电影票就上猫眼
- 10 分 0%
- 8-9分 0%
- 6-7分 0%
- 4-5分 0%
- 1-3分 0%
🤍 0 人想看
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本片由Juan Villegas导演Gerardo Young,Mirna Suárez主演,于未知阿根廷上映!
A young fellow breaks up with his girlfriend. While walking through his neighborhood, memories of situations lived together come back to his mind. Born in Buenos Aires in 1971, Juan Villegas studied at the Universidad del Cine, where he wrote, produced and directed two short films: Roads and sidewalks (1995) and 2 in 1 car (1998). He wrote, directed and produced two feature films: Saturday (2001) and The Suicide (2005), both submitted in major international festivals such as Bafici, Venice, San Sebastian and Rotterdam, among many others. It was also the feature film coguionista Model 73 (2001), Rodrigo Moscoso and coguionista and co-director of the short film One afternoon happy (2002), along with Celina Murga. In 2008, and was produced by coguionista A week alone, feature Celina Murga, submitted in 2008 and Bafici in Venice. Since 1998, the magazine writes regularly in The Lover. Between 2004 and 2006 was part of the Project Review Committee of the Inca. Between July and August 2008 was in charge of the Laboratory Project Feature for students and alumni of the University of Cinema.
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