Skvorets i Lira
主演:尼古拉·格林科,Varvara Soshalskaya,Galiks Kolchitskiy
地区:苏联 / 142分钟
又名: / Скворец и Лира
猫眼ID:666228 🎫 买电影票就上猫眼
- 10 分 0%
- 8-9分 0%
- 6-7分 0%
- 4-5分 0%
- 1-3分 0%
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丨Skvorets i Lira剧情介绍
本片由格里高利·亚历山德罗夫导演尼古拉·格林科,Varvara Soshalskaya,Galiks Kolchitskiy主演,于未知苏联上映!
Starling and Lyre is the last feature directed by the legendary Soviet director Aleksandrov, starring Ljubov Orlova who had been the star of his popular musical comedies in the 1930s. This is a strange, glossy spy romance in which Orlova (already in her seventies!) and Pyotr Velyaminov play two lovers who have been working undercover in Germany since World War II, and who now have to investigate the German industrial machine as it potentially conspires against the Soviet Union. The film, presenting Soviet Russia as a benevolent peace-loving superpower pitted against 'bad Germans and even worse Americans plotting to replay the Second World War against the Russians' was pulled from theatres a few days after its release and remained nearly invisible for decades because the plot, inadvertently, resembled the Guillaume Affair: in 1974, a personal assistant to German chancellor Brandt was unmasked as a Stasi spy.
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