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The Lady of Red Butte

The Lady of Red Butte



主演:Eunice Woodruff,Dorothy Dalton,Thomas Holding



地区:美国 / 60分钟


又名: / Accused

猫眼ID:665318 🎫 买电影票就上猫眼

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丨The Lady of Red Butte剧情介绍

本片由维克多·舍辛格导演Eunice Woodruff,Dorothy Dalton,Thomas Holding主演,于未知美国上映!

The mind of theology student Webster Smith becomes unbalanced from strain. Traveling across the desert as God's savior, he arrives weakened at Red Butte, a small mining town. Faro Fan, who runs a saloon and gambling joint cleanly, and who cares for the town's homeless children, helps Smith, but when he learns her business, he curses her. While Smith builds a church, Faro nurses renegade Spanish Ed, who spreads a fever to her wards. After Smith prays for fire to purge the town, excepting his church, saloon keeper Delicate Hanson, trying to disinfect his bar by burning whiskey on it, starts a fire which quickly spreads to the church, while leaving Faro's house unscathed. Furious, Smith attacks Faro. When she hits his head with a club, his sanity returns, and he helps her nurse the children. After Smith leaves to get supplies, Spanish Ed, crazed with thirst, tries to attract Faro. When Smith returns, Faro shoots him, thinking he is Spanish Ed.

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